Monday, March 9, 2009

it's official

i'm in...
[iphone cameras aren't very good for close up shots]

basically, i am now and official student of Boston University School of Public Health! i was also awarded a $10,000 merit scholarship--but too bad i'm not eligible for it since i am a full-time employee of BUSPH. no matter. 95% tuition covered + salary > $10,000. as long as i don't lose my job within the next 22 months, then i'm all good.

now i have another reason to celebrate this week.


Madel said...

NORWIN!! Congratuations! Oh man, we were just talking about it yesterday too! Woo!! Yay!

Richelle said...

congrats norwin!

Keeks said...

congratulations babe. i am so proud of you.

camille said...

wow, that's awesome norwin! holdin it down in boston

Mari Dani said...


Kat said...

Yaay Norwin! Congrats :)